coming soon! Video recordings Moodle course page

May 20, 2020

Moodle cooperation deceleration fantastic Zoom for Moodle plugins. With this plugin, you can create meetings, set meetings preferences, assignee meeting host All in the Zoom for Moodle plugins. And all for free use.

The Zoom for Moodle plugins is now upgraded!

Our plugin gives you the option to set a recording page. your students will be able to view the zoom recording on a designated zoom recording page.

There is no need to download the recording, storing it with the storage provider, copy its link, creating moodle video activity… Our plugin does all of this for you.

Moodle zoom recording plugin downloads your zoom recordings to your server and creates a design recording page linked to your course.

The plugin creates folders in your server with the course ID and you will be able to access your zoom recordings at any time, edited the recordings, and more.

Stop working hard and spend high storage costs. Get your zoom recording plugin today!

Video Full package

The upcoming Zoom for Moodle plugins is a part of our Video Moodle plugins and themes. we invite you to check out the new Vimeo for Moodle theme.

With Vimeo for Moodle plugins, you can create course video pages in no time. The course video page is connected to your Vimeo account. Now, you do not need to copy and paste URLs. With the new Vimeo for Moodle plugins, you can upload your Video to the course folder and your students can immediately view it on Moodle.

Upcoming Zoom for Moodle plugins will be able to upload your recordings to Vimeo. With the additional Vimeo for Moodle plugins, your recordings will be visible to your students immediately. Without the need to upload it to Moodle course manually.

Join us today for the e-learning LMS revolution on the Moodlms marketplace.

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