December 22, 2021
Vendors Terms Of Use Policy
Welcome to our Mood-LMS marketplace. This document is describing the terms of use and defines the relations between sign site users (sign users and/or users and/or buyers & vendors) and (the site).
Once users are approved by the site this policy and privacy policy (site policy docs) of the site will be applicable and define the relations between the user and Site. By applying for registration to the site you agree to the site policy turms.
This document is setting the grounds of the terms of use of the Moodlms marketplace and its vendors. A vendor is a user that was registered as a vendor on the site and was approved by the site admin. With that, all of the user terms of use are applicable for site vendors as well. If any specific term in this policy is conflicting with the user’s terms of use, this document and its terms will apply to the vendor.
Selling products in moodlms
The following terms are applicable for every product or service that you as a vendor in Moodlms marketplace offer to its users. As a vendor on this site you declare that you comply with the following terms:
- Inform the Moodlms admin of any new upload of products and/or product updates.
- Notify us of any action taken that can affect your sales on the site.
- Assure that all of your products will contain your trademark or ownership marks.
- Act in good faith at all times and provide such assistance and co-operation as we reasonably request
By registering as a vendor in Moodlms marketplace you state that all of your products or services that you offer on the site are complying with the following terms:
- Your products are safe to use and were closely tested by you before uploading them to the site.
- Your product is true and its content matches the product description.
- Your product is not containing any viruses, codes, files, and programs that may harm third parties’ software and/or hardware.
- Your product does not contain forbidden materials as adult nature, chronography, and so on.
- All of your products are owned by you or you have the owner right to sell the product in our marketplace.
- All your products are not violating any intellectual property third-party rights.
- Your product is not violating any civil and/or commercial and/or criminal law.
Once uploading your product or service to our marketplace you agree that the site admin will examine your quality of work and have the right to decline, without the need of explanation, to upload your work if the product is not meeting the quality regulations and standards of Moodlms.
A vendor that has received complaints from users regarding his products quality and/or servers quality can be degraded and his products will be shown with low ratings, the vendor can be bad from offering his product for a defined time period and/or can be a band as a vendor from the site indefinitely.
A vendor that suffers any sanctions due to users’ companies and/or site policy violations can file a motion to remove the sections by addressing a letter to the site admin (contact us) with his user account information and a formal request for sanction removal. The site admin will address the vendor motion and will give his final decision on the matter at hand.
Moodlms is not responsible for any loss you may suffer due to users’ violations using your products after purchasing them at the site or its social media pages and web extensions.
Vendors copy rights trade marks & logos
Moodlms marketplace considers itself as a safe zone where you can upload your work and your copyrights will be protected under this term of use document. If you believe your copyright is been wrongfully use by our site and or one of our users and or vendors, please contact us at: with your complaint and one of our representatives will revert back to you for help.
Vendors on this site can publish logos, trademarks, images, and other intellectual property assets as long as they are allowed to do so by law or have the consent to do so by the intellectual property asset owner.
Moodlms vendors are allowed to use in their product pages and/or their profile pages any of the site content to their needs as long that it’s not violating any third-party trademark and/or copyrights. In any case of copyright violations contact the site admin and file a claim.
Payments from and to moodlms marketplace
Registering to Moodlms and advertising products in the Moodlms shop is free.
Moodlms marketplace is not functioning as a financial institute nor it gives banking and/or financial services to its vendors. Moodlms marketplace collects, manages, and distributes funds as a cashier payment service.
Vendors earnings and payouts
By selling your product or services in Moodlms marketplace you will be paid user the following terms:
Moodlms is having two main selling modules: single purchases and subscriptions. Setting the selling module and product price is set by the vendor. The vendor earning is the total amount of the product price and site fees and locale tax in some cases. every product can have several product types and plans that a vendor on the site can choose from. as an example, products with basic licenses and extended licenses are 2 types of products.
Site commission is cucullated as a 25% percent of the product and/or service price before tax. The site admin is authorized to change the fee percentage at any given time without any notification obligation on his part.
You are responsible for paying all fees and taxes (including withholding tax), associated with your use of the website wherever levied (including any goods and services or value-added taxes, which will be added to amounts billed to you, if applicable).
Payments to the seller will be made in USD ($) only.
All payments will be made to the vendor PayPal account with a minimum of 50$ per PayPal wire. The site will not issue payments under 50$. the site admin reserve the right to wire vendors’ funds at any given time.
The site is issuing payments every month on the 5th of the month (payouts cycle). Vendors will receive their earnings to their accounts in the next month’s payout cycle. as an example, all earnings that a vendor has made in January will be wire to his PayPal account on the 5th of March.
Site vendors need to submit their PayPal account information to receive payouts from the site.
If for any reason the site is not able to wire your earnings to your account if because the Paypal information you have given to the site is not correct or any other reason for the wire refusal, you will be notified by the site and payment will be made in the next payment cycle.
Users turms and conditions
this document is a complication of the users turms and all of the user’s turms policy is applicable to all site vendors. Can view users policy on our site